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05 March 2011


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Dear Michelle Harrison,
I am 34 year man of Indian origin now living in Dallas,TX. I came across your blog through Ashanet. I do not have any words to describe my feelings. You are God. Who would have thought that sacrificing the comfortable life in US and moving to a completely different culture to help the needy will be faced with so much resistance. My heart breaks knowing about all the ills in Indian society, but I bow to you for your courage, commitment and tenacity. Please never abandon these girls. I have a 3.5 year old daughter myself and I am just amazed how much love and affection a woman gives to everyone around them. In form of daughter, sister, mother, wife etc. I bow to all the women of the world. When I see so much pain and hatred in the world, I just wonder why? why do we even exist.
May you be blessed with all the courage and you will find a way out to find a safer home. Let me know if I can help.

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  • Shiva photo op
    This is two years old, from before I added 13 children to my life... Bubbi has taught me a lot, and i'll blog about that soon, as my adventures with her are part of my strength. Bubbi is my cow. She is about five years old and just had her first calf, Shiva. It is really hard to explain my relationship to my cow, except that I knew I wanted a cow. I wanted a cow because I love to take pictures of cows, and i imagined that my cow would have a lot to say. I'm listening, and invite you to meet and get to know Bubbi.

29 December 2007

  • I'm standing!!!!!!
    This is the first Album. I won't even try to put the story in order, but more like the blog -- little scenes.... And some will just be random, pictures I love and want to share. Partly this is just because time is so little, and pictures so many. I started it 29th December but I've been adding to it.....

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